My teaching focuses on “International Economics”, “Economics of European Integration”, “Economics of EMU and the Euro”, “European Economic Policy”, “Political Economy of EMU and the Euro” and “Intangible Capital and Growth” and takes the form of lectures, interactive lectures and seminars at the BA, MSc and PhD levels in both English and German.
Teaching of the last 3 Years
For full information since 2009, please look at the CV.
1. Ökonomie der Europäischen Integration, Seminar, Profile Area, ~20 students, WS2024, BA Economics, University of Hamburg.
2. Intangible Capital and Growth, Lecture, Elective Area, ~45 students, WS2023, MSc Economics, University of Hamburg.
3. Ökonomie der Europäischen Integration, Seminar, Profile Area, ~20 students, WS2023, BA Economics, University of Hamburg.
4. Außenwirtschaftslehre mit Schwerpunkt auf Ökonomik der Europäischen Integration, Lecture, Representation of Prof. Wolfgang Maennig, Compulsory Area, ~150 students, SS2023, BA Economics, University of Hamburg.
5. Ökonomie der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion, Seminar, Profile Area, ~20 students, SS2023, BA Economics, University of Hamburg.
6. Economics of European Integration, Lecture, Representation of Prof. Thomas Straubhaar, Profile Area, ~75 students, WS2022, BA Economics, University of Hamburg.
7. European Economic Policy, Lecture, Elective Area, ~75 students, SS2022, MSc Economics and MSc Politics, Economics, Philosophy, University of Hamburg.
8. Economics of European Integration, Seminar, Profile Area, ~20 students, SS2022, BA Economics, University of Hamburg.
9. Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth, Lecture, Elective Area, ~20 students, SS2021, MSc Economics, University of Hamburg.
10. Economics of European Integration, Lecture, Representation of Prof. Thomas Straubhaar, Profile Area, ~75 students, WS2020, BA Economics, University of Hamburg.
11. Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth, Lecture, Elective Area, ~45 students, SS2020, MSc Economics, University of Hamburg.
Thesis supervision of the last 3 Years
For full information since 2009, please look at the CV.
The relationship between trust in the European Central Bank and the formation of inflation expectations in the euro area, MSc Economics, UHH, 2023.
Intangible Capital and Labor Productivity Growth – A Cross-Country (Sub)-Sector Analysis, MSc Economics, UHH, 2021.
Explaining Public Support for the Euro outside the Euro Area – Analyzing the Danish Case, 1999-2019, MSc Politics, Economics and Philosophy, UHH, 2020.
The Impact of Structural Capital on Public Support for the Euro – An Empirical Analysis, MSc Economics, UHH, 2020.
Comparing Public Support for the Euro inside and outside the Euro Area – Evidence from the Eurobarometer, 2005-2017, MSc Economics, UHH, 2020.
Immaterielles Kapital und Arbeitsproduktivitätswachstum: ein Vergleich Italiens, Deutschlands und Frankreichs, BA, Economics, UHH, 2024.
How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect citizens’ trust in the ECB? An explorative Data-analysis, UHH 2024.
Ist die Eurozone ein optimaler Währungsraum? Eine vertiefende Analyse der OCA-Theorie am Fallbeispiel Italiens, UHH 2023.
The European Commission’s SURE instrument: An In-Depth Analysis of the Spanish Case, BA, Economics, UHH, 2023.
Führt Fiskalische Dominanz zu sinkender Unabhängigkeit der EZB? Eine Analyse am Fallbeispiel Italiens, BA, Economics, UHH, 2022.
State Aid during COVID-19: An Economically Necessary Measure or a Long-Term Distortion of European Competition?, BA, Economics, UHH, 2021
Der italienische Aufbau und Resilienzplan – Italiens Chance für ein nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum?, BA, Economics, UHH, 2021.