PD Dr. Felix Roth

Since 2023, Felix Roth is a Senior Lecturer & Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Economics at the University of Hamburg. In his academic research, PD Dr. Roth concentrates on the relationship between intangible capital and productivity growth, as well as on the economics and political economy of EMU and the euro. He has published his research results in leading and well recognized international journals in his field, such as Journal of Common Market Studies, Review of Income and Wealth, Industry and Innovation, Science and Public Policy, Empirica, and Kyklos, as monographs with renowned academic publishing houses such as Springer,  as contributions to edited volumes in renowned academic publishing houses such as Routledge and as a wide range of academic Scopus articles. PD Dr. Roth has spent over a decade working on EU issues as an expert for DG RTD and JRC, as DG ECFIN Research Fellow in 2014-15, and as a Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels from 2007-2014. 

What's New

American Economic Association: 2025 ASSA Annual Meeting at San Francisco, California.

Presentation of the Paper:
Roth, F. (2024). Trust and Growth:  The Global Evidence over 40 Years.

Link to the conference page

Forthcoming 2025: Article in Science and Public Policy  

Roth, F. (2025).  Intangible capital and labor productivity growth at the macro, meso, and micro levels: A review of the literature and insights for public policies, Science and Public Policy, forthcoming.

Link to the working paper version

Presentation in Brussels for DGRTD

Presentation of the Paper:
Roth, F. and Mitra, A. (2024). EU Competitiveness: The Critical Role of Intangible Assets in EU Labour Productivity Growth. Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 19.

Download the Slides here.

New Discussion Paper

Roth, F. and Mitra, A. (2024). EU Competitiveness: The Critical Role of Intangible Assets in EU Labour Productivity Growth. Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 19.

Link to the working paper

New Discussion Paper

Nonnis, A., Roth, F. and  Bounfour, A. (2024). Intangible Capital in France and Germany: Is there a Measurement Issue?. Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 18.

Link to the working paper

Updated Discussion Paper

Roth, F. (2024). Trust and Growth: The global evidence over 40 years. Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 14.

Link to the working paper

New Discussion Paper

Roth, F. (2024). What is the impact of cryptocurrencies on financial markets and global trade?. Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 17.

Link to the working paper

New Discussion Paper

Nonnis, A., Roth, F. and Bounfour, A. (2024). Is the EU ready for the next generation of investment? The case of France and Germany, Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 16.

Link to the working paper

International Conference on Empirical Economics at Pennsylvania State University Altoona 2024

Presentation of the Paper:
Roth, F. (2024). Trust and Growth:  The Global Evidence over 40 Years.

Link to the conference page 

Updated Discussion Paper

Roth, F. (2024).  Is Generalized Trust Stable over Time? , Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 15.

Link to the working paper

Forthcoming 2024: Article in Empirica

Roth, F. et al. (2024).   COVID-19 and Public Support for the Euro, Empirica 51: 61-86.

PD Dr. Felix Roth

University of Hamburg 
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences 
Department of Economics

Von-Melle-Park 5, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany 

GSM: +49 (0) 176 2341-7577   

E-Mail: [email protected]