Scientific Conferences

1. Halle, 7 July 2023; “Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth”; Research Seminar; Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH). 

2. Brussels, Hybrid; 13 June 2022; “Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth”; Final Review Meeting; GLOBALINTO Project; DG Research and Innovation, Eur. Commission.

3. Oslo, Hybrid; 28-29 April 2022; “Productivity puzzle, Lower productivity growth by less intangibles or declining total factor productivity”; Final Scientific Conference, GLOBALINTO Project; Statistics Norway.

4. Vaasa, Hybrid, 24 September 2021; “Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth – A Cross- Country (Sub-) Sectoral Analysis for the EU”; 8th Scientific Conference, GLOBALINTO Project; University of Vaasa.

5. Vaasa, Hybrid; 25 May 2021; “Intangible Capital and Firm-Level Productivity – Evidence from Germany”; 7th Scientific Conference, GLOBALINTO Project; University of Vaasa.

6. Aarhus, Hybrid; 13 April 2021; “Revisiting Intangible Capital and Labor Productivity Growth, 2000-2015: Accounting for the Crisis and the Economic Recovery; 6th Scientific Conference, GLOBALINTO Project; Aarhus University.

7. Ljubljana, Hybrid; 24 September 2020; “Macro-economic underpinnings of growth”, 5th Scientific Conference, GLOBALINTO Project; University of Ljubljana.

8. Hamburg, Hybrid; 29 June 2020; “The Productivity Puzzle – A Critical Assessment”, Habilitation Lecture, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences; University of Hamburg.

9. Aarhus, Hybrid; 23 April 2020; “Macro-economic underpinnings of growth”, 4th Scientific Conference, GLOBALINTO Project; Aarhus University. 

10. Aarhus, Hybrid; 26 March 2020; “Macro-economic underpinnings of growth”; 3rd Scientific Conference, GLOBALINTO Project; Aarhus University. 

11. Athens; 19 September 2019; “Macro-economic underpinnings of growth”; 2nd Scientific Conference, GLOBALINTO Project; National Technical University of Athens.

12. Paris; 11 July 2019; “Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth – Evidence for the EU from 1995-2015”, 15th World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities; Artificial intelligence and the next generation of competences: How Digital – and Artificial Intelligence will impact jobs and competence profiles?, University Paris-Sud, UNESCO.  

13. Buckingham; 22 February 2019; “Public Support for the Euro and its governance – The first two decades”, International Economics Conference “The Economics of Monetary Unions. Past experiences and the Eurozone”, University of Buckingham.

14. Helsinki; 4 February 2019; “WP6 – Macro-economic underpinnings of growth”, Kick-Off Scientific Conference, GLOBALINTO Project; University of Vaasa.

15. Cologne; 10 July 2015; “Crisis and Trust in National and European Union institutions – Panel Evidence for the EU, 1999 to 2014”; International Eurobarometer Symposium: “Four Decades of Surveying Europe – Perspective on Academic Research with European Commission’s Eurobarometer Surveys”; Gesis – Leibniz Institute for Social Science.

16. Leipzig; 7 July 2015; “Trust in the European Central Bank after the financial crisis” Summer School 2015: “Trust and Financial Markets”; HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.

17. Kingston; 22 September 2014; “Crisis and Trust in National and European Institutions—Panel Evidence for the EU, 1999 to 2012”; Department of Political Stud., Queens University.   

18. Ottawa; 19 September 2014; “Crisis and Trust in National and European Institutions—Panel Evidence for the EU, 1999 to 2012”; Crisis Contained, Democracy Diminished? The Politics of the Eurozone Financial Crisis; Centre for European Studies; Carleton University.

19. Ispra; 28 May 2014; “The Rule of Law and Labour Productivity Growth by Businesses – Evidence for the EU, 1998-2005”; Seminar on behalf of the Econometrics and Applied Statistics Unit of the Joint Research Center (JRC), European Commission.    

20. Washington, D.C.; 14 March 2014; “Public Support for the Euro, 1990 to 2012: Does the Crisis matter?”; 21st International Conference for Europeanists, Council for European Studies.  

21. Dublin; 7 December 2013; “Crisis and Trust in National Parliaments—Panel Evidence for the EU, 1999 to 2012”; National Parliaments in the European Integration Process; Centre of the Study of Wider Europe, University of Ireland.

22. Paris; 14 October 2013; “Crisis and Trust in National and European Union Institutions—Panel Evidence for the EU, 1999 to 2012”; Joint Learning for an OECD Trust Strategy; Workshop, OECD.

23. Mannheim; 3-4 June 2013; “Crisis and Trust in National and European Institutions—Panel Evidence for the EU, 1999 to 2012”; Coping with Crisis: Europe’s Challenges and Strategies; Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, University of Mannheim.  

24. Oxford; 31 May 2013; “Crisis and Trust in National and European Institutions—Panel Evidence for the EU, 1999 to 2012; Transformations of the State: European Perspectives; Department of Politics and International Relations; University of Oxford.

25. Ispra; 17 May 2013; “The Europe 2020 Strategy—Can it maintain the EU’s Competitiveness in the World?”; Seminar on behalf of the Econometrics and Applied Statistics Unit of the Joint Research Center (JRC), European Commission.     

26. Zurich; 3-6 April 2013; “Public Support for the single European currency, the euro, 1990 to 2012—Does the Crisis matter?”; The 2013 Meeting of the European Public Choice Society (EPCS); Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich.  

27. Florence; 22-23 November 2012; “Has the financial crisis shattered citizen’s trust in the national and European governmental institutions? Evidence for the EU member states, 1999-2011”; 2012 European Union Democracy Observatory (EUDO) Dissemination Conference, European University Institute (EUI).  

28. Göttingen; 27 August 2012; “Introductory Lecture – Financial and Debt Crisis”; Relations Between the EU and Emerging Global Players; Summer School 2012; University of Göttingen.

29. Valencia; 18-20 June 2012; “The enduring popularity of the euro throughout the crisis”; 4th International IFABS Conference on Rethinking Banking and Finance: Money, Markets and Models, University of Valencia.

30. Göttingen; 28 February - 2 March 2012; “Has the financial crisis eroded citizens trust in the European Central Bank, Evidence from 1999-2011”; 14th Göttinger Workshop Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, University of Göttingen.

31. Verona; 21-24 June 2011; “Does intangible capital affect economic growth?”, XII European Workshop for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (EWEPA), University of Verona.

32. Valencia; 6-8 April 2011; “Trust and Growth – A Sectoral Analysis”; (INDICSER) Mid-term Meeting, University of Valencia.

33. Mannheim; 4-5 March 2011; “Does Intangible Capital affect Economic Growth?; SEEK kick-off conference "Going for Smart Growth with Knowledge and Innovations", Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW).

34. Berlin; 16-17 September 2010; “Does Intangible Capital affect Economic Growth?”; (INNODRIVE), German Institute of Economic Research (DIW).

35. Kiel; 7-10 September 2010; “The financial crisis and citizens’ trust in the European Central Bank”, Trusting Banks in a Financial Crisis (Session Organizer/Chair), Annual Conference of the Verein für Sozialpolitik, University of Kiel.

36. Ljubljana; 12 March 2010; Intangible Capital and Economic Growth – Cross-sectional and Panel Analysis; (INNODRIVE), Institute for Economic Research (IER).

37. London; 3 February 2010; Indicators for intangible investment for non-financial market services; (INDICSER); National Institute for Economic and Social Research (NIESR).

38. Rome; 24-25 September 2009; “Intangible Capital and Economic Growth – First Results”; (INNODRIVE); LUISS Guido Carli University.

39. Prague; 16-17 April 2009; “Intangible Capital: Macro Economic Approach”; (INNODRIVE); Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education-Economic Institute (CERGE-EI).

40. Vaasa; 12 September 2008; “Intangible Capital and Economic Growth—A Cross-Sectional and Panel Analysis”; (INNODRIVE); University of Vaasa.

41. Innsbruck; 22-24 April 2008; “Trust and Economic Growth—Conflicting Results between Cross-sectional and Panel Analysis”; (Social Capital Symposium); Symposium was prepared together with Christoph Hauser, University of Innsbruck. 

42. Vienna; 1-3 April 2008; “The Welfare State and Social Capital—A Panel Analysis; (CINEFOGO); Europe—with or without you?, Vienna Business School.

43. Brussels; 27 March 2008; “Intangible Capital and Economic Growth—The Macro Economic Approach II”; (INNODRIVE); Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS).

44. Aberdeen; 27-31 August 2007; “Social Capital, Trust, and Economic Growth—A Cross- Sectional and Panel Analysis”; (CINEFOGO); Civil Society, Social Capital and Democracy; Post-Graduate Summer School; University of Aberdeen.

45. Stockholm; 24-26 August 2006; “Trust and Economic Growth – A Panel Analysis”; Trust, Reciprocity and Social Capital; The 2006 Ratio Colloquium for Young Social Scientists; Ratio Institute.

46. Novara; 19-20 Mai 2006; “Human Capital and Economic Growth – A cross-sectional analysis for OECD countries”; (Jointly organized by Catholic University, University of Evry, University A. Avogardo and Johns Hopkins University; (2006 Workshop Economic Policy and Open Macro – Human Capital and Economic Growth).

47. Göttingen; 18-21 Juli 2005; “Social Capital and Economic Growth – Assessment of the Cross-Country evidence” (Postgraduate Programme: The future of the European Social Model); (Summer School 2005); University of Göttingen.

Dissemination of research results to Policy Makers and Stakeholders 

48. Aarhus, Hybrid; 23 November 2021; “Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth: Revisiting the Evidence”; Intangibles, Global Value Chains and Productivity Growth – new evidence and perspectives; Workshop for international policy makers and stakeholders, Aarhus University. 

49. Ljubljana, Hybrid; 9 June 2021; “Intangible Capital and Firm-Level Productivity – Evidence from Germany”; Investment in knowledge, intangible capital and the challenges of productivity growth; Workshop for Slovenian Industrial Corporations, University of Ljubljana.

50. Athens, Hybrid; 9 February 2021; Panel Discussion on Intangibles and the Productivity Puzzle; Panel Discussant; Joint NTUA and KAS Workshop.

51. Aarhus, Hybrid; 29 October 2020; Panel Discussion on Intangibles and Productivity in times of COVID-19-Crisis; Panel Discussant; Joint GLOBALINTO & MICROPROD Workshop on Intangibles and Productivity; GLOBALINTO.

52. Vienna, Hybrid; 21 September 2020; “After 25 Years as faithful members of the EU: Public Support for the Euro and Trust in the ECB in Austria, Finland and Sweden”, Digital SUERF-OeNB workshop on the occ. of Austria’s, Finland’s and Sweden’s 25th EU membership anniversary.

53.  Brussels; 17 January 2020; “Macro-economic underpinnings of growth using EU-wide industry level data”, Workshop on Advancing the Measurement of Intangibles for European economies, Mission of Norway to the EU. 

54. Brussels; 8 June 2015; “Structural Convergence and Economic Governance in EMU”, Panel Intervention; DG ECFIN Fellowship Initiative 2014/15; DG ECFIN.

55. Brussels; 15 September 2014; “Will the next crisis be a social and political crisis – how to build a fairer union of democratic change?”; What Now? Brainstorming ahead of/for the New Commission; DG ECFIN Fellowship Initiative 2014/15; DG ECFIN.

56. Washington; 24 June 2014; “Crisis and Trust in National and European Institutions—Panel Evidence for the EU, 1999 to 2012”; Public Trust in the Government; National Intelligence Council’s 2035 Global Trends project; Eurasia Group. 

57. Brussels; 17 June 2013; “Crisis and Trust in National and European Institutions—Panel Evidence for the EU, 1999 to 2012”; (6th IEP/UCP Seminar); Policy Making at the EU level; European Parliament.

58. Madrid; 1 June 2012; “R&D vs. Intangible Capital Investment in the EU”; The Future of Europe and its Commitment to Science; Panel Discussant; 5th Debate on Europe; Carlos De Amberes Foundation.

59. Berlin; 16 December 2011; “Hat die Finanz- und Eurozonenkrise die Unterstützung der Bürger in den Euro unterminiert?“; Ergebnispräsentation und Pressekonferenz der Studie: Has the crisis in the Eurozone undermined citizens‘ support for EMU and the euro?; Stiftung Mercator. 

60. Paris; 15 November 2011; “Has the financial crisis resulted in a demand for stronger state regulation?”; Expert at a hearing organized by the Council of Europe on: How much and what kind of state is needed in a democratic and just society?,  Council of Europe.

61. Brussels; 10 May 2011; “Has the financial crisis shattered citizens’ trust in national and European governmental institutions?”; Presentation at the conference “A European Union Drifting Apart? Patterns of Growing Socio-economic Heterogeneity in Times of Global Crisis”. Organized Co-joint by CEPS, Bruegel, EPC, Eurofund and Bertelsmann Foundation. 

62.  Brussels; 16 December 2010; “Presentation of the INNODRIVE project”; EUKLEMS and Beyond; Presentation of the INNODRIVE Project at a seminar organized by DG Research with participation of FP7 Project coord. and representatives of Policy DG’s, DG Research.

63. Brussels; 3 December 2010; “Europe 2020 strategy: how to make it work?”, Lecture given to the European Parliaments Former Member Association during their annual seminar on “The economic crisis and the future of the Eurozone”, European Parliament.

64. Vienna; 23 November 2009; “The European Union – What’s missing? Citizens’ confidence in EU Institutions?”; Panel Discussant; “Economic, financial and social crisis - Is Europe capable of acting?”; European Forum Alpbach.

65. Zagreb; 6 March 2009; “The Post 2010-Lisbon Strategy – The Key Role of Education in Employment and Competitiveness”; (EU CONSENT); Wider Europe, Deeper Integration, The Institute for International Relations (IMO).

66.Brussels; 10-12 November 2008; “The financial crisis and its impact on the real economy”; (2nd IEP Seminar); Policy Making at the EU level, European Parliament.

Chair at Panel Discussions and Conferences 

67. Hamburg; 29 June 2018; Chair of the “Re-Nationalization or new regionalism: Can Federal Answers meet Regional Expectations?” Panel; Joint Conference “Organizing Unity in Diversity”; Europa-Kolleg Hamburg and University of Hamburg.

68. Brussels; 11 October 2013; Chair of the Intereconomics conference “Inequality in Europe – What can be done what should be done?”; Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS).

69. Brussels; 6 December 2012; Chair of the Intereconomics panel discussion “The Welfare State After the Great Recession”; Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS).

70. Brussels; 23 March 2011; Chair of the Intereconomics panel discussion “Can the Eurozone be stabilised or will EMU break apart?”; Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS).

71. Kiel; 7-10 September 2010; Session Organizer/Chair, Trusting Banks in a Financial Crisis, Annual Conference of the Verein für Sozialpolitik, University of Kiel.

72. Innsbruck; 22-24 April 2008; Social Capital Symposium; Symposium was prepared together with Christoph Hauser, University of Innsbruck.