Short description
The long-term sustainability of the euro depends heavily on its ability to attract widespread public support. The following publications analyse the determinants of public support for the Euro from 1990-2019 accounting for the crisis and the recovery.
Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Roth, F., Jonung, L. and A. Most (2023). The COVID-19-Crisis and Public Support for the Euro, Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 13. Invitation to Revise and Resubmit .
2. Roth, F., Baake, E., Jonung, L. and F. Nowak-Lehmann (2019). Revisiting Public Support for the Euro, 1999-2017: Accounting for the Crisis and the Recovery, Journal of Common Market Studies, 57: 1262-1273.
3. Roth, F., Jonung, L. and F. Nowak-Lehmann (2016). Crisis and Public Support for the Euro, 1990-2014, Journal of Common Market Studies, 54: 944-960.
4. Roth, F., Gros, D. and F. Nowak-Lehmann (2014). Crisis and Citizens’ Trust in the European Central Bank—Panel Evidence for the Euro Area, 1999-2012, Journal of European Integration, 36: 303-320.
5. Roth, F. (2009). The Effects of the Financial Crisis on Systemic Trust, Intereconomics 44: 203-208.
Articles in Refereed Journals under Review and Preperation for Review
6. Roth, F. (2023). Who Supports the Euro?, Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 15. Under Preparation for Submission.
7. Roth, F. (2023). Inflation and Public Support for the Euro, Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 17. Under Preparation for Submission.
8. Roth, F. (2023). COVID-19 and Public Support for the Euro – The Micro Evidence. Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 18. Under Preparation for Submission.
9. Roth, F. (2022). Public Support for the Euro - Essays on Labor Productivity, Monetary Economics and the Political Economy, Vol. 2, Springer.
Edited Volumes
10. Roth, F., and L. Jonung (2020). After 25 years as faithful members of the EU: Public support for the Euro and Trust in the ECB in Austria, Finland and Sweden, 47th Economics Conference 2020 of the OeNB in cooperation with SUERF, Östereichische Nationalbank, 64-77.
11. Roth, F., Jonung, L. and F. Nowak-Lehmann (2020). Crisis and Public Support for the Euro, 1990-2014, In: P. Honohan, F. Hassan and D. Romeli (eds.), Currency Unions, Volume 2, Part 1: The Euro Area Crisis. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.304-320.
12. Roth, F. and L. Jonung (2020). Public Support for the Euro and Trust in the ECB: The first two decades of the common currency, In: J. Castenada, A. Roselli and G. Wood (eds.), The Economics of Monetary Unions. New York, Routledge: 141-155.
13. Roth, F., Gros, D. and F. Nowak-Lehmann (2015). Crisis and Citizens’ Trust in the European Central Bank—Panel Evidence for the Euro Area, 1999-2012. In: J. Tosun, A. Wetzel and G. Zapryanova. Coping with Crisis: Europe’s Challenges and Strategies. New York: Routledge: 109-127.
14. Roth, F., Nowak-Lehmann, F. and T. Otter (2013). Crisis and trust in national and European governmental institutions. In: B. De Witte, A. Heritier and A.H. Trechsel. The Euro Crisis and the State of European Democracy. Florence: European University Institute: 392-407.
Scopus Articles
15. Roth, F. (2022). Political Economy of EMU: Rebuilding Systemic Trust in the Euro Area in Times of Crisis. In: Roth, F. Public Support for the Euro, Springer, pp. 93-136.
16. Roth, F., Jonung, L. and Nowak-Lehmann, F. (2022). The Enduring Popularity of the Euro throughout the Crisis. In: Roth, F. Public Support for the Euro, Springer, pp. 169-185.
17. Roth, F., Nowak-Lehmann, F. and Otter, T. (2022). Has the financial crisis shattered citizens' trust in national and European governmental institutions? In: Roth, F. Public Support for the Euro, Springer, pp. 187-217.
Selected Economic Policy, Column, Blog and Newspaper articles
18. Roth, F., Jonung, L. and A. Most (2023). COVID-19 and Public Support for the Euro. Under Preparation for Submission.
19. Roth, F. (2020). Economic Recovery Strenghtens Public Support for the Euro, JCMS: 9 January.
20. Roth, F. and L. Jonung (2019). Public Support for the Euro and Trust in the ECB – The first Two Decades, VOX: 13 December.
21. Roth, F., Jonung, L., and Nowak-Lehmann, F. (2016). Public support for the euro. VOX: 11 November.
22. Roth, F., Jonung, L. and Nowak-Lehmann, F. (2012). Crisis and Public Support for the Euro, VOX: 5 November.
23. Jonung, L., Nowak-Lehmann, F. and F. Roth (2012). Öffentliche Unterstützung des Euro in Zeiten der Krise, Ökonommenstimme: 9 October.
24. Roth, F. (2012). The Eurozone Crisis and Citizen’s Shattered Systemic Trust, Intereconomics 47: 138-139.
25. Gros, D. and F. Roth (2010). Die EZB verliert das Vertrauen der Bevölkerung, FAZ: 5 December.
26. Gros, D. and F. Roth (2009). The crisis and citizens’ trust in central banks, VOX: 10 September.
27 Roth, F. (2009). Introduction, Intereconomics 44: 326-27.
Selected Project Reports
28. Roth, F. (2015). Political Economy of EMU: Rebuilding Systemic Trust in the Euro Area in Times of Crisis, European Economy Discussion Paper 016. Brussels: European Commission. DOI: 10.2765/82322 . Prepared for ECFIN Fellowship Initiative 2014-2015.
29. Roth, F. Jonung, L. Nowak-Lehmann, F. (2011). The Enduring Popularity of the Euro throughout the Crisis. In Roth, F. Public Support for the Euro. CEPS Working Document 358. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies. Prepared for Stiftung Mercator.
30. Gros, D. and F. Roth (2011). Do Germans support the Euro?, CEPS Working Document 359. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies. Prepared for Stiftung Mercator.
31. Roth, F., F. Nowak-Lehmann D. and T. Otter (2011). Has the financial crisis shattered citizens’ trust in national and European governmental institutions, CEPS Working Document 343. Brussels, Centre for European Policy Studies. Prepared for Bertelsmann Foundation.
32. Roth, F. (2009). Who can be trusted after this financial crisis?, CEPS Working Document 322. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies. Prepared for Austrian Ministry of Finance.