Short description

Labour productivity growth is one of the main contributors to an economy's competitiveness and rising prosperity. The following publications focus on the impact of intangible capital investment on labour productivity growth.

Ongoing Research Projects: GLOBALINTO

GLOBALINTO will provide new measures of intangible assets at the firm level, filling an important gap in measurement which has restricted statistical production, micro-based analysis and evidence-based policymaking. GLOBALINTO will analyse the various potential explanations of the productivity puzzle, both at micro and macro levels. PD Dr. Roth leads Macro Work Package 6 (WP6) and with his team, he is involved in the realization of the work results D6.1, D6.2, D6.6, and D6.7. Furthermore, they are also working on D2.1, D5.11 and D7.4. 
The main objective of WP6 is to use EU wide industry-level data to explore the relationship between intangible inputs & productivity and innovativeness performance. In D6.1, the relationship between intangible and labor productivity growth will be investigated using the newly created D6.2 database. D6.2 decodes the value chains of innovations using the ‘World Input-Output Database’ (WIOD) from Eurostat and the input-output data from Eurostat. Furthermore, the data on intangible assets in Europe will be formulated in web form. D6.6 analyses the productivity of economic sectors in all EU countries and develops policy plans on how financial support and other incentives such as tax breaks or exemptions can be linked to financing bottlenecks. D6.7 develops empirical results from the analysis of novel data and existing intangible assets (Horizon2020, SPINTAN data, INTAN-Invest Research Collaboration). 
In work D2.1, PD Dr. Roth develops key concepts for intangible assets and measurements of company productivity based on Work Package 1. D2.1 deals with different approaches to conceptualization and measurement taking into account the differences in the data infrastructure in the EU countries. In addition, D5.11 contains a scientific article on the relationship between intangible capital investment and labor productivity growth in Germany between 2007 and 2017. D7.4 analyses the role of supply-side and demand-side policies in fostering productivity growth and the relationship between the rule of law and corporate intangible investment. This assessment will form the basis for identifying the need for policy action. 

Project Management: PD Dr. Felix Roth
Project Duration: 1 February 2019 to 31 January 2022
Total Funding: 2,972,811 €
Funding amount University of Hamburg: 404,436 €
Funders: European Commission, Horizon 2020, Research and Innovation Action
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Homepage at the University of Hamburg

Articles in Refereed Journals

1. Roth, F. (2023). Intangible Capital and Labor Productivity Growth at the Macro, Meso, and Micro levels: Evidence for Public Policies, Science and Public Policy, Special Issue, forthcoming.

2. Roth, F., Sen, A. and C. Rammer (2023). Intangible Capital and Firm-Level Productivity – Evidence from Germany, Industry and Innovation 30: 263-285. 

3. Roth, F. (2020). Revisiting Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth, 2000-2015: Accounting for the Crisis and the Economic Recovery in the EU, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 21: 671-690.

4. Roth, F. and A.E. Thum (2013). Intangible Capital and Labor Productivity Growth – Panel Evidence for the EU from 1998-2005, Review of Income and Wealth 59:486-508.

5. Roth, F. (2010). Measuring Innovation – Intangible Capital in the EU. Intereconomics 45: 273-277. 

6. Roth, F. (2009). Does too much trust hamper economic growth?, Kyklos 62: 103-128.

Articles in Refereed Journals under Review and Preparation for Review

7. Roth, F. (2022). The rule of law and investment in intangible capital: Evidence for the EU-16, 1996-2017, Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 12. Under Review.

8. Roth, F. (2023). A Reassessment of the Relationship between Trust and Growth, Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 14. Under Preparation for Submission. 

9. Roth, F. (2023). Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth: Evidence for the EU Sub-Sectoral Level. Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 16. Under Preparation for Submission. 

10. Rammer, C., Roth, F. and M. Trunschke (2023). The role of intangibles for firm-level productivity - Evidence for Germany from 2011-2020. Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 19. Under Preparation for Submission. 

11. Bounfour, A., Nonnis, A. and F. Roth (2023). Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth – A Detailed Comparison of the German and French Case. Hamburg Discussion Papers in International Economics No. 20. Under Preparation for Submission. 

Co-Authored Books

14. Gros, D. and F. Roth (2012). The Europe 2020 strategy: Can it maintain the EU’s competitiveness in the world?. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies.

Edited Volumes

15. Roth, F. (2023). Intangible Capital and Labor Productivity Growth Revisited. In: Bloch, C., Protogerou, A. and N.S. Vonortas, Measuring Intangibles and Productivity – A Micro, Meso and Macro Perspective New York: Routledge, forthcoming.

16. Bloch, C. and F. Roth (2023). Analysing Intangibles and Productivity Growth: A Review of the State of the Art. In: Bloch, C., Protogerou, A. and N.S. Vonortas, Measuring Intangibles and Productivity – A Micro, Meso and Macro Perspective, New York: Routledge forthcoming. 

17. Aggelos, T. and Roth, F. (2023). The productivity contribution of intangible assets and participation in global value chains. In: Bloch, C., Protogerou, A. and N.S. Vonortas, Measuring Intangibles and Productivity – A Micro, Meso and Macro Perspective, New York: Routledge forthcoming.

18. Roth, F. (2021). Das Produktivitätspuzzle: eine kritische Bewertung. In: Straubhaar, T. (ed.), Neuvermessung der Datenökonomie. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 61-82.

19. Jona-Lasinio, C., Massimiliano, I. and F. Roth (2011). National Measures of Intangible Capital in the EU-27. In: H. Piekkola (ed.). Intangible Capital—Driver of Growth in Europe, Proceedings of the University of Vaasa Reports 167. Vaasa: University of Vaasa: 20-62.

20. Gros, D. and F. Roth (2008). The Post-2010 Lisbon Process—The Key Role of Education in Employment and Competitiveness. In: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Die Zukunft der Wirtschaftspolitik der EU—Beiträge zum Diskussionsprozess “Lissabon Post 2010“. Wien: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit: 179-195.

21. Roth, F. (2008). Sozialkapital, Vertrauen und wirtschaftliches Wachstum. In: W. Matiaske  and G. Grözinger G., Sozialkapital eine (un)bequeme Kategorie, Jahrbuch Őkonomie und Gesellschaft 20. Marburg: Metropolis Verlag: 111-138. 

Scopus Articles

22. Roth, F. (2022). The Productivity Puzzle – A Critical Assessment and an Outlook on the COVID-19 Crisis.  In: Roth, F. Intangible Capital and Growth. Cham: Springer.

23. Roth, F. (2022). The Rule of Law and Labour Productivity Growth by Businesses – Evidence for the EU, 1998-2005. In: Roth, F. Intangible Capital and Growth, New York: Springer

24. Roth, F. (2022). Organizational Trust, Organizational Fear and TFP Growth - A Sectoral Analysis for the EU. In: Roth, F. Intangible Capital and Growth, New York: Springer.

25. Roth, F. (2022). Social Capital, Trust and Economic Growth. In: Roth, F. Intangible Capital and Growth, Springer, pp. 167-185

Selected Economic Policy, Column, Blog and Newspaper articles  

26. Roth, F. (2023). Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth – Evidence for the EU and Germany, Under Preparation for Submission. 

27. Roth, F. (2022). Intangible Capital and Labour Productivity Growth – A Cross-Country Sectoral Growth Accounting Approach. In: European Commission, Science, Research and Innovation Performance of the EU 2022, Luxembourg: Publication Office of the EU:206-207.

28. Roth, F. and A. Tsakanikas (2021). Policies for Enhancing Growth from Intangibles at the Aggregate and Sectoral Levels, European Policy Brief, GLOBALINTO Project, 17 November. 

Selected Project Reports  

29. Rammer, C., Roth, F and M. Trunschke (2020). Measuring Organisation Capital at the Firm Level: A Production Function Approach, ZEW Discussion Paper 20–021. Project Report prepared for INFOWIK for German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

30. O’Mahony, M. and F. Roth (2016). Drivers of European economic growth - New insights, new policies. Project Report prepared for DG Research and Innovation, European Commission. 

31. Roth, F. (2014). The Rule of Law and Labour Productivity Growth by Businesses – Evidence for the EU, 1998-2005, Project Report prepared for DG JRC, European Commission.


32. Roth, F. and J-E. Sundgren (2014). The Quantity and Quality of Human Capital in Higher Education: Comparing the EU, US and China, CEPS Task Force Report, Mimeo. 


33. Roth, F. (2013). Organizational Trust, Organizational Fear and TFP Growth—A Sectoral Analysis for the EU, Discussion Paper 20 for the SERVICEGAP project.

34. Saam, M., D. Cerquera, R. Inklar, B. Müller, M. O’Mahony, C. Rammer, A. Rincon-Aznar, F. Roth and A.E. Thum (2010). Review of measures and data sources on intangibles, ICT use and innovation in European service sectors, Review Paper 1 for the INDICSER project. 


35. Saam, M., D. Cerquera, G. Reitze, R. Inklar, M. O’Mahony, F. Peng, C. Rammer A. Rincon-Aznar, F. Roth and M. Sarbu (2011). First version of indicators on innovation, ICT use and intangibles—Annotations, Discussion Paper 4 for the INDICSER project. 


36. Jona-Lasinio, C., M. Iommi, K. Geppert, J. Mortensen, H. Piekkola, R. Riley and F. Roth (2009a). State of the art in research of the economics of intangibles, Deliverable No. 12 for the INNODRIVE project. 


37. Jona-Lasinio, C., M. Iommi and F. Roth (2009b). Report on data gathering and estimations for the INNODRIVE project – Macro approach, Deliverable No. 15.